Abandned: Villa Klodderkes →
Abandoned: Maison Du Cerf →
Abandoned: When Nature Takes Over
Abandoned places are often overgrown.
More often outside than in. However on the odd occasion it does appear or work its way inside.
Usually creeping in through window frames or broken panes.
Sometimes though you find the less ordinary. From mould or fungi, a lone sprout and even full on plant life.
Here is a selection of my favourite shots where nature has taken over.
Monastere Antionette
A large amount of mould growing on the windowsill in this abandoned Belgian monastery.
Fort De La Chartreuse
A serious amount of overgrowth in this derelict fort in Belgium.
British Celanese
A lone sprout in a warehouse of a large unused factory in the UK.
Fenland Farmhouse
Overgrowth creeping in to this bedroom in an abandoned UK farmhouse.
Krampnitz Kaserne
Moss on the floor and even the ceiling in this derelict military barracks in Germany.
Derby Royal Infirmary
An injection of green as plant life creeps in through the window of this abandoned UK hospital.
Denbigh Asylum
A grass carpet covers the floor of this room in a derelict asylum in Wales.
RAF West Raynham:
The fine overgrowth here seems like an alien lifeform spreading across the room in this bedroom of an abandoned RAF base in the UK.
Berkyn Manor
Vines spreading over the rustic kitchen sink in this abandoned Manor house in the UK.
Thanks for looking and I hope you enjoyed this selection of images. As always the images and titles are links back to the full location reports. If anywhere catches your eye feel free to check out the full reports.
Abandoned: 16mm F2.4 Urbex Bokeh
The Urbex photography scene is predominantly big wide epic shots with front to back sharpness, a bit of blur makes a break from the norm.
Around Christmas 2013 I bought a Samsung NX1100 CSM. It was quite a bargain and nice and small. The idea of it was an every day camera. Much easier than carrying round an SLR. Later inthe year I got a 16mm 2.4 lens for it and I love it. Really straight lines and beautiful soft bokeh.
It is great for a first post of a new location, a small tease of what its really like due to the shallow DOF and a lot of the image being out of focus.
Here is a small selection of images I have taken with this lens/camera combo.
Swithland Reservoir :
Thanks for looking as always the images and their titles are links back to the original report. So if any of the images leave you intrigued feel free to check out the rest of the location.
I hope you enjoyed as part two is well underway.
Abandoned: Buxton Crescent →
Abandoned: The Concrete Jungle →
Abandoned: Villa Moglia and Villa Azzurra →
Abandoned: Palazzo Di L Dei Conti M Urbex →
Abandoned: The Last Song
While on my travels of abandoned places I sometimes find pianos and organs forgotten and left to rot. Musical instruments are always beautiful and it is such a shame they get left and forgotten.
Notre Dame College:
A grand piano left in an abandoned college. Shortly after this visit the college was demolished. I wander if the piano was saved.
Beelitz Mens Pavillion:
An upright piano found in an abandoned hospital. Due to the popular use of his location. I believe this was added at a later date as a prop.
Church Of The Raven:
Various books lay on top of an organ overlooking an abandoned church.
Beelitz Bath House:
A grand piano used as a prop for a short film is now left in this abandoned hospital.
Holy Nurse:
The organ left in an abandoned hospital chapel.
St Michael's:
The ceiling lays on this small organ in a burnt out church.
Berkyn Manor:
An upright piano left in a large abandoned manor house in the UK.
Thanks for looking and I hope you enjoyed. If any location leaves you intrigued feel free to check the full set of the location by clicking the titles or images.
Abandoned: Orfanotrofio SG →
Reflections Of The Past
Quite often you find nice reflections in abandoned buildings. Here are a selection of a few favourites I have taken while on my travels in search of abandoned buildings.
Battersea Power Station:
After dodging workmen I finally found my way to the rooftop. Main idea was to enjoy the view of the city of London. I turned round to see a better view. The moment the image came up on the LCD I smiled. Certainly one of my favourite shots.
Hotel Des Thermes:
I Spotted the reflection of the ceiling and thought it looked rather nice. I wanted to get as much reflection as possible, so I ended up with the camera sitting in the pool of water on the ground.
Salve Mater:
A slightly more discreet reflection here in a bathroom at Salve mater. I think its cool how they are different colours.
Infinity Reservoir:
Well any shot here is bound to have a reflection. Can't be missing this awesome underground location out though.
Chateau Lumiere:
An early morning selfie in the beautiful Chateau Lumiere. My partner in crime decided to try and catch some ZZZzzs so I hade the whole place to myself as the sun rose. I lined up this shot and figured it was perfect for me to sit on the stairs.
A perfect time to visit this large abandoned asylum in Essex. Just as the snow had thawed we arrived to find the floors covered in water creating lots of great reflections in the corridors.
The Carvern:
What can I say about this location? One of the most amazing car graveyards you could ever see. Such a pleasure to go here and such a fun day out.
Church Of The Raven:
Well I noticed the reflections on the altar and that was it. I placed the camera on it and shot in nearly every direction possible!!
Swithland Reservoir:
The main reason for this visit was to go underground in the main reservoir. However the surroundings are quite pleaasent too. I found the central spot and rested my camera on the ledge of the filtration bed.
Thanks for looking all the titles and images link back to the full set of each location if any of them grab your interest.
Abandoned: Mosquito Theatre →
Abandoned: Castello Di R →
Abandoned: Rusty Relics →
Urbex: Is It Really Abandoned?
Throughout my travels I have seen many different types of abandoned locations.
Some of the locations I have visited are in stunning condition with little signs of decay and begs the question. Is It really abandoned?
Here is a selection of these pristine locations I have visited.
The Oshkosh Fire Truck:
Abandoned: The Greenhouse →
The Appeel Of Abandonment
One of the draws of abandoned sights has to be the peeling paint. Also wall paper can peel in a pleasing way too.
Here we have a selection of the best peel I have seen in abandoned locations.