Urbex Film: Essence House
A short time lapse film of this quaint abandoned time capsule in England.
Thanks for watching. Check out my Essence House report for my photos from here.
Abandoned: Greys Car Graveyard →
Abandoned: Train Graveyard Norfolk →
Abandoned: Church Of All Saints →
Abandoned: Langley Prep School Nursery Norwich →
Abandoned: Military Graveyard →
Abandoned: Bethel Hospital Norwich →
Urbex Film: Abandoned The Greenhouse
An short film of an abandoned time capsule in Norfolk.
So I feel I really upped my game with this short film that I made recently. I learnt a lot making this film and I am really pleased with the final outcome. Hopefully you are too.
Thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed. Let me know your thoughts below. If you fancy seeing my original visit you can see the images here... Abandoned House Norfolk.
Urbex Film: An Abandoned Train Journey
A short film I made on a few abandoned train carriages in Norfolk. A mixture of time lapse or stop motion and video. These carriages are in fairly good condition and certainly bring back a few memories.
Thanks for watching. Let me know your thoughts below.