The Telamon AKA The Temple Hall: Lanzarote March 2014
An abandoned cargo ship between Costa Teguise and Arrecife in Lanzaote.
Built in 1954 for Harrisons Ltd at the Caledon Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd in Dundee.
After a few owners and a name change to Pantelis, 1977 see the final change of hands to the Telamon Maritime Co. SA who named it The Telamon.
Before embarking on the final voyage The Telamon was not looking in good condition. On October 31st 1981 The Telamon was traveling from the Gulf of Guinea to Thessaloniki with a large cargo of logs. While near the island of Lanzarote the ship suffered a serious leak.
The port was small so the decision was made to run the ship aground outside of the port.
After fuel and cargo had been removed The Telamon was left abandoned on the coast. One company showed an interest in re-floating the ship but the cost was too much.
Some time later the ship broke in two during a storm. Now it seems to be a permanent fixture of the coastline.