While doing some research I came across this great looking building with recent images. I noticed lights on in the images, maybe a permission visit or the power has just been left on. I didnt check too much into it I added it to the list and carried on my research in the area.
We arrived around midday in what was quite a busy area, it didn't look promising. We wandered around the buuilding to see if there was any possible access. There were people inside. I tried the fromt door with no answer, while trying to communicate with a lady through a closed window I was calld by others in my group. "Its open there is an art exhibition on".
We popped in for a quick look and decided it was worth a few shots. We asked about taking photos, it was fine other than one exhibit. Well we didn't want the exhibits in our shots anyway!
Founded in 1971 by Edward Rushton, after his sight was impaired when contracting ophthalmia. This was the first school of its kind in Great Britain and only the second in the world after one in Paris.
The original building was in built in an neo-classical design and later there was an extension which is more of an art deco style.
I know its a bit different but I hope you enjoy.