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Stora Enso Centrale Two Corbehem: As seen from Centrale One.
Stora Enso Centrale Two Corbehem: The turbine hall had been stripped many years ago.
Stora Enso Centrale Two Corbehem: The small room at the far end housed a small control room for the substation. Access was not available on my visit.
Stora Enso Centrale Two Corbehem: The control room was really nice.
Stora Enso Centrale Two Corbehem: A seperate panel each side for each turbine.
Stora Enso Centrale Two Corbehem: The whole control room.
Stora Enso Centrale Two Corbehem: The centre panel.
Stora Enso Centrale Two Corbehem: Central view of the control room.
Stora Enso Centrale Two Corbehem: File storage in an office.
Stora Enso Centrale Two Corbehem: Heading up the stairwell to the roof.
Stora Enso Centrale Two Corbehem: A stripped room on the top floor.
Stora Enso Centrale Two Corbehem: The final set of stairs to get to the roof.
Stora Enso Centrale Two Corbehem: Looking down at the substation. In the distance is where the cooling towers were.
Stora Enso Centrale Two Corbehem: Looking back at the plant.
Stora Enso Centrale Two Corbehem: From the roof looking back at Centrale One.
Stora Enso Centrale Two Corbehem: Every level the stairs had slightly different design.
Stora Enso Centrale Two Corbehem: Ground floor.
Stora Enso Centrale Two Corbehem: We find an office and some control panels. Related to water maybe?
Stora Enso Centrale Two Corbehem: The panels had a nice patina.
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