Silverlands is a grand abandoned manor house in the UK.
Built in the mid 19th century as a family home and it seems no expense was spared on the downstairs.
A large oak staircase stands prominent in the entrance hall and beautiful chandeliers hang from the ornate ceilings.
In the mid 20th century the home beaame an orphanage for children of actors and actresses. During the war the children were evacuated to New York and a nursing school was established on the site to help with training for local hospitals. When the children returned the nursing school continued to run alongside the orphaanage.
In 1958 due to rising costs the orphanage closed however the nursing school continued running until the early 1990's.
It has been left empty ever since. Proposals for a sex offenders clinic was put forward and multi million pound renovations started. The project was eventually dismissed after strong opposition from the local residents.
Visited with Behind Closed Doors, Proj3ct M4yh3m and a few others. Silverlands is well protected with CCTV and PIRs we knew we had to be quick, 20 minutes here can be lucky amount of time to get before security turn up. It was our lucky day we had about two hours and was actually leaving before they turned up to give us a speech.