Part of a large abandoned steelworks in Belgium. My first visit to this city I pulled up outside this huge site sadly it was the middle of the day and with onsite security we gave it a miss.
This trip we was here early and had information on access. Generally people visit the blast furnace. This large building caught my eye I wondered why I hadn't seen any images from inside. I was determined to get in so I wandered off on my own climbed up the outside and found a way in. Those who know me know I hate heights so getting onto the gantry and down to the ground floor was not easy. I later found a much easier access on the ground floor. The turbine hall wasn't the best but at least it had a urinal. Luckily the two control rooms were ace, one of which was very reminiscent the control rooms in Pyestock.
Steel production stopped on this site around 2011 however I have been informed that this power station was still in use after the steel works closed. This would explain the lack of images to be seen from here. It does look like it has been closed for some time now though.