Deluxe London: External showing the art-deco facade
Deluxe London: One of the many mixing rooms.
Deluxe London: Different angle of a mixing room.
Deluxe Laboratories. Post sync theatre.
Deluxe London: Landing
Deluxe London: Entrance to the production areas.
Deluxe London: This bridge joined the warehouse to the theatres.
Deluxe London: Corridor and stairwell to the warehouse.
Deluxe London: Landing near the theatres.
Deluxe London: The dolby digital theatre.
Deluxe London: The dolby digital theatre. There were ashtrays between the seats.
Deluxe London: The dolby digital theatre desk.
Deluxe London: The dolby digital theatre. I discovered this theatre just before I left.
Deluxe London: The dolby digital theatre. A wider view of the façade.