Chateau De Carnelle was built between 1876 and 1882 under the direction on architect Gabriel-Hippolyte Destaailleur.
Built in a renaissance revival style it is a copy of Chateau de Maisons-Laffitte.
A weekend urbex adventure with Project Mayhem and Behind Closed Doors, to some derelict locations around the outskirts of Paris. It had been a great day with gorgeous weather. I had this location but could not find any recent info on it. We went on a whim even tho the others didnt have complete faith on how amazing this place looked. I wasnt even sure if it was still abandoned. We arrived and the other two were not disapointed. "Even if its not abandoned I want externals of that."
We got our gear together and headed up the drive taking shots as we approached. We then discovered it had no windows. It is fully boarded and they are all painted to look like windows.
Out of a stroke of luck we actually found an access point and ventured in cautiously. It was pitch black inside, thankfully we had a large LED block which helped us with the lighting.
After a while we heard banging. We were getting locked in!! We grabbed our gear and ran. Not sure how to get back we got a bit lost on the way, running in and out of rooms, trying to find a staircase.
We made it too late. It was sealed and alarms were reset. Really loud alarms, which we had to purposely keep setting off as we could find no other way out.
Thanks to two locals who spoke to us and found someone to let us out. His English was poor and our French was worse. We apologised shook his hand and made a sharp exit.