Canary Wharf Rooftop. How the other half live!! That room is like four floors!!
Canary Wharf Rooftop. Hard to get a view without any cranes.
Canary Wharf Rooftop. Always development going on in London.
Canary Wharf Rooftop. The Novotel
Canary Wharf Rooftop. Talisman Tower
Canary Wharf Rooftop. Baltimore Tower. with the vibrant Ability Place.
Canary Wharf Rooftop. The Citigroup Tower is 200m tall.
Canary Wharf Rooftop. I like this height as it opens so many possibilities for composition.
Canary Wharf Rooftop. Looks to me like there is a couple watching tv in bed.
Canary Wharf Rooftop. Duckman Tower and Talisman tower are actually joined together.
Canary Wharf Rooftop. A closer view of Baltimore Tower. with Ability Place.
Canary Wharf Rooftop. Another view of Baltimore Tower. with the vibrant Ability Place.