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Campina Youth House: The external of the Youth House. The large mosaic is stunning.
Campina Youth House: Inside more mosaics can be found.
Campina Youth House: A closer look at the mosaics.
Campina Youth House: The large foyer is grand with a big balcony.
Campina Youth House: At the end is a stairwell which is housed in the external mosaic.
Campina Youth House: The first floor landing.
Campina Youth House: The landing spread to a large space.
Campina Youth House: The landing area leads on to the balcony.
Campina Youth House: The bacony facing the front.
Campina Youth House: There was a huge chandelier above the main staircase.
Campina Youth House: Main staircase and full view of the chandelier.
Campina Youth House: Bottom of the main staircase.
Campina Youth House: The main staircase.
Campina Youth House: Looking to the front from the mosaics.
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